Those with a majority of traits or symptoms in this category need to stay motivated. They need to keep their body, mind, and spirit moving. It makes them happy to be busy and focused. This very busy preparation time, full of vivid, motivating colors, and brisk air is perfect for getting a lot done.
Highly motivated by the change of season, you need to move. Like an inner fidgit. You need to focus all that instinctive motivation. Your sense of touch is keenly aware of the change of temperature. It comes down to feeling safe. Your instinct to make sure you have enough food and shelter during the cold is about survival.
Most of us don’t have to rely on hunting and gathering to survive the winter. The instinct is still activated as soon as it starts getting darker, or colder. An uneasy feeling of not being ready is stressful.
Use the motivation to finish all winterizing projects like making doors and windows warmer. It comforts your body and mind to know that you will be as warm. It calms your spirit that an important seasonal project is done. Other outdoor activites like setting up decorations, putting the garden to bed for the year, winterizing your car, arranging the indoor furniture for a more social season, and getting used to a winter schedule are enough to keep you busy.
Assure your body it will stay warm by sorting out your clothes. Remove all summer garments to storage in the closet until spring. You won’t be needing them. Fill your dresser and closet with warm and fuzzies. Make your
traditional comfort clothes like sweaters, vests, jackets, coats, scarves, hats, and gloves reappear like old friends. Try them on. Get rid of anything that doesn’t fit. Anything too big or too small probably won’t be worn.
Another way to stay warm is changing your diet. There is a lot to do. Don’t bog down your digestion with anything too heavy. While your body might crave all fats, sweets and crunchy salty things in sight…eat them in moderation. No symptoms is no problems. Remember, your love of protein doesn’t mean you can easily digest heavy animal fats. Nor do you need them yet. The heaviest of animal fats are only needed during the coldest part of the year. Not yet. Choose more plant fats. Your skin and hair will thank you for it.
Food is almost all served hot now. Cold foods like salads are harder to digest. Steam or cook all fruits and vegetables. If you are having a very heavy dinner, have a tart or spicy component to help digest it. Drinking water can be difficult because you aren’t thirst from the heat anymore. Now is the time for tea. Same amount that you were drinking all summer, just hot.
I love sports. I love the crowds, excitement of following a team, the anticipation of winning, the conversations with others about it, and the food that surrounds sport gatherings. People in this category love competitionAutumn is when many winter games begin. Enjoy every moment of it, but don’t let it drift into a symptom of anger. If your competitive nature becomes angry, lighten up in every way. Change what you are eating. A lighter diet with plant fats creates happy hormones that deplete stress. Less sugar, alcohol, and/or heavy animal fats are the likely culprits.
Outdoor traditions like final harvests, apple picking, decorating with mums, pumpkins, haybales and cornstalks all intensify as the days get shorter. When the length of day prevents all outdoor activity, the indoor sports and holidays season is ready to begin.