All preparations are done. Now it’s a matter of surviving the winter. All five of your Common Senses play a part in your immune system. A healthy immune system prevents illness. Prevention is easier than cure.
Symptoms of this season are from the Common Senses of…
Hearing (Spirit): Depression, Sluggishness, Lots of colds /flu, Sinus congestion, Bronchitis/Pneumonia, Water retention, Eye problems, Eating disorders, Skin outbreaks, Isolationism, Judgmental
…and Taste (Mind/Adapting): Digestion problems, Sleep problems, Unhappy but not depressed, Sudden fatigue, Cravings, Twitching, Joint pain, Weight management, Anxiety, Unable to finish anything
Your Common Sense of Smell is in charge anything involving your brain and spinal cord, waste management, digestion, strength and regeneration of cells, mucus, muscls, bones, tendons, the ability to let go, setting boundaries, seeing patterns, and contentment.
Body – Keep moving, walk every day. Find a project that will last the winter. Working with other people on it would be a way of staying social and busy. Achieving goals creates dopamine, another happy hormone. Being happy really helps when its dark outside all the time. Staying social prevents depression.
People with a majority of traits in the common sense of Smell tend to be strong. Use that ability to create happy hormones to get you through the winter. Heavy lifting kinds of activity, and pain, create endorphins. A happy hormone that blocks pain and reduces stress. Use your strength as a stress busting tool.
Mind – Use your mind to adapt to a new season of inspiration. The indoor, holiday season begins. A social time of traditions and merriment with friends and family. Remember to eat wisely at least every other day. Too many sweets, salts and fats create unecessary drama and symptoms.
This is a season of storytelling and communiating with people face to face. Listening is key to talking to anyone. A busy social season is a lot easier done with regular daily schedule. It really helps as the days get darker and darker…and busier and busier.
Spiritual needs that should to be present in your life…or symptoms happen.
No problem expressing hopes and dreams, confident, honest, wise, strong sense of freedom, discrete, independent, intuitive, focused, concentration, feels in control of life, comfortable in your own skin, no need for others in order to feel happy and whole, patterns are easily seen