Spring migration season is over. The first round of mating season is done. This is juvenile season. The woods are full of birds learning to fly and sing for the first time. Delightful.
One of my favorite parts of birdwatching is listening to a songbird learn how to sing. It takes a few days. Longer for more complicated song, like Veerys. The adults sing an ethereal descending flutelike sound. Um, the juvenile first attempts aren’t quite that. Their song goes up instead of down. There aren’t quite enough notes, or too many.
The woods are full of unusual sounds for about a week. They will practice over and over until they get it right. Sort of like listening to an adolescent with a cracking voice, or someone speaking a new language.
If you are trying to identify an odd sound, make sure it isn’t a Blue Jay. They mimic almost everyone. I watched a Jay practicing sounding like a woodpecker last month. Over and over again…just for sport.