• Summer Solstice
Begins June 19-23 (S. Hemisphere, December 19-23)
Peak sunlight. Hot. A time for your Body, action.
Least moonlight. Brightest time of the year.
Time of action, not introspection. Early harvest of your efforts
Symptoms of Summer are…Heart disease, Irregular heartbeat, Migraine, Rash, Fever, Burning eyes, Insomnia, Controlling others, Anger, Nosebleeds, Infections
Body – Symptoms for this time of year are part of your Common Sense of Touch. Heat requires continuous sunlight and water management. Pretend its ten degrees hotter. Walk slower. Do everything slower. Eat several, small, cooling, meals a day. Nothing too heavy, it will make you feel hotter. Greasy food creates greasy sweat. Greasy sweat feels hotter. Your body can handle more heat if you eat lighter meals, drink lots of water or tea, and cool your skin throughout the day with a washcloth. Avoid stimulants, the heat and sun are stimulating enough.
Mind – Cool your mind in the summer with play. Enjoy it. Bask in the Vitamin D filled sunshine. Relax in the shade, play in a mountain river. Stress makes the heat feel hotter. Playing, or taking life lightly, reduces stress. Less stress, less heat. Enjoy being around children during the sumer daytime. Their laughter is a tonic for everyone.
Spirit – The change in your life is evident to everyone. Only you know how much your life will change from it. How you use the change in your life, your goal, is now important to consider.