• Winter Solstice
Begins December 20-23 (S. Hemisphere, June 20-23)
Return of the sunlight. Cold. A time of Spirit, calm.
Peak moonlight. Darkest time of the year. Time of introspection, not action.
Preparing tools for the coming year. Surviving the winter with self-care.
Symptoms of Winter are…Depression, Sluggishness, Lots of colds /flu, Sinus congestion, Bronchitis/Pneumonia, Water retention, Eye problems, Eating disorders, Skin outbreaks, Isolationism, Judgmental
Body – Focus is on staying healthy, warm and well fed. Symptoms for this time of year are part of your Common Sense of Hearing (Spirit).
A great time of year to clean up your lifestyle now that the holidays are over. A perfect time to get your body healthy. No colds, flus and viruses to deal with if your immune system is well fed. Exercise creates happy hormones.
Keep moving. Go for a short walk outside to the same place every day, no matter the weather. Count how many colors you see each time. Celebrate with something special if you get all seven. Getting a little cold, then warming up, is good for you. Staying inside all the time is not.
Mind – Things come to a sudden stop after the wonderful whirl of holidays. The rest of this season is about deep winter. Mental symptoms this time of year include depression and sunlight deficiency disorder. Both are alleviated by keeping your eyes and mind excited through the dark, cold season.
Learn something new. Discover a new restaurant, or author to read. Cook new kinds of meals. Explore new flavors. Rearrange the furniture right after the holiday decorations come down. It makes your home look less empty. Buy a new houseplant. Tending a plant this time of year does wonders. The green color, or flowers, delight your eyes. Winter starves the eyes of color. Try to have all seven at least present in your immediate surroundings. Doesn’t have to be rainbows everywhere. Just spots of color here and there really help.
Spirit – Light begins to shine on your new idea for change in your life this year. It’s illuminated. You begin to sense how much this change will help you. Plan benchmarks, not timelines, of progress to accomplish it. Figure out what tools you need for the task.